Summer Begins - The Heart Emperor’s Fire
Photo by Timon Wanner
According to the Lunisolar calendar, summer energy begins today for the Northern Hemisphere. We’re at the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice! From this day until we reach the Summer Solstice, we will experience the expansive energy in the elements around us and also within us. All that has been confined and camouflaged in the previous seasons will now reach the surface and take center stage. The moving currents of the spring winds have generated enough upward force to create the summer heat that we need for the Summer Solstice. We will reach the peak extroverted energy of the year in less than 6 weeks. Be mindful of the summer heat as it will begin to grow more intensely in the next several weeks and months.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Wood Element is connected with spring season, which helps to generate the Fire Element connected with summer season. The Wood Element is associated with growth, motivation, and drive; whereas the Fire Element is associated with joy, pleasure, and excitement. We’ve worked so hard through this spring to plant new seeds and set up new foundations. Spring and summer seasons are the yang and masculine months, where we can borrow more energy from the elements around us to work hard and also play hard. Summer is more focused on receiving the fruits of our labor and bringing more joy into our daily lives. We’re not meant to work hard all year round. We have to make time to play because continued rigidity can become oppressive. Summer is the season for rest and play. Now is the time to start preparing and shifting with the season and schedule time for vacations, playtime, relaxation, and simple days where there are no plans at all.
Summer season is connected to the Heart and Small Intestine Meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Heart Meridian is considered the Emperor and ruler of all other meridians. It is the Heart Emperor’s fire that gives life. This is also true physiologically; all other organs depend on the heart to function. The emotion related to the Heart Meridian is joy. Joy and laughter is very important for this time of year. We need to release tension and worry to reduce stress on the heart. This is especially critical now because we’ve survived over a year in a pandemic and many have been isolated from their family, friends, and support team.
Additionally, the Small Intestine Meridian is the protector for the heart and a major filter system for the digestion. It absorbs nutrients and passes waste and toxins down to the large intestine, in turn protecting the heart. Moreover, the Small Intestine Meridian energetically filters out “bad Qi” and absorbs “good Qi” to help build vital energy in the body. Now is also the time to filter out toxic people, places and things out of our lives and make room for the people and things that bring happiness and joy.
The Heart and Small Intestine Meridians are ruled by the Fire Element. Fire brings life and joy, but too much of a good thing can also create imbalance. Too much fire or joy can cause impatience, manic behaviors, and phobias. We must balance the Fire Element with the energy of the Water Element, which creates flow, play, free time, and space for creative projects. Imagine sitting around a campfire and embracing the ease and fun of that energy. Find more activities that spark the same kind of joy and pleasure in your life.
People who are overworked, burnt out, and oppressed will not thrive in this season. Working harder will only add more gasoline on the flames and the fire element can easily get out of control quickly. This makes it very difficult to control and many aspects of your health and mental well-being could become destructive. Be mindful of other people around you in the next few weeks and months. You may notice more impatience, road rage, arguments, and manic behaviors. There is also the possibility of more protest and riots as we have so many unresolved issues in our country and world. Fire element can ignite these issues so they can be visible and urgent. Environmentally, we may see actual fires with the growing wildfires and climate changes in the world.
Take this time to slow down where you can and connect with your heart to make space for simple daily pleasures. Ask yourself the following questions. What makes you happy and how can you bring more of that into your daily life? What makes you unhappy and wears down heavy on your heart? Can you eliminate those aspects in your life? Remember the heart is the ruler of the body and if your heart is unhappy then nothing else will matter. You have the right to find happiness and thrive.
Things to do this season:
· Play in the water, lake, beach, or pool
· Take a vacation or camping on the coast
· Eat more fruits and bitter vegetables/herbs to cool your system
· Reduce stress – don’t sweat the small stuff
· Watch comedies and movies that bring you joy
· Connect with family, friends, and support team
· Sing and dance
· Meditation, Qigong, Yoga - focus on grounding
· Spend more time outdoors with the elements
· Do whatever makes your heart sing