Sound Therapy
Sound Therapy
Sound therapy is a vibrational healing technique that is very gentle and calming. I use tuning forks that are specifically designed to emit a wide range of pure sounds, which are also based on the Schumann Resonance electromagnetic frequencies. The tuning forks are activated and applied at a short distance from the ears or at a hearing range. It will still be effective for those with hearing impairment because sound enters the body through bone conduction of the cranial area and the frequency and vibration then travels throughout the entire body. It targets specific areas of stagnation in the physical, emotional, mental, and energetic centers. The tuning forks produce frequencies that are also attuned with the Alpha and Theta brainwaves to help reset the nervous system. This promotes natural self-repairing mechanisms and recalibration. The sessions are focused on stress reduction, deep relaxation, mental clarity, and rebalancing vital energy. Sound therapy can be a stand-alone treatment or complementary with acupuncture, energy healing, and hypnotherapy.
Schumann Resonance
The Schumann Resonance is the measurement of the global electromagnetic field spectrum between the surface of the Earth and the lower boundary of the ionosphere, about 60 miles above ground. There are roughly 2,000 thunderstorms and 50 lightning flashes every second on Earth at any given time. The lightning discharge is the primary natural source of the electromagnetic energy that is measured. The electromagnetic wave creates a continuously low base frequency of 7.83 Hz, which is also known as the Earth’s heartbeat. The Schumann Resonance’s average frequency range can fluctuate upward to 50 Hz, but higher spikes do occur. Electromagnetic waves can move through material and the human body. The 7.83 Hz correlates with our Alpha and Theta brainwaves, which puts us into a state of relaxation. Scientific studies have shown that tuning into the 7.83 Hz can enhance healing, memory, learning, grounding, balance, recovery, stress reduction, and even lowering blood pressure. Many people believe that the Schumann Resonance is the Earth’s natural healing vibration. You will often find meditation, music, and sound therapy working within the Schumann Resonance frequency field. I truly believe that we are elemental beings that resemble and emulate Mother Earth, so it is not surprising that she can also heal us.
There are 5 brainwaves with different electrical rhythms that we operate in that control our conscious, subconscious, and unconscious states. There are healthy brainwave patterns that flow throughout the day that keep us healthy and regulated. Sound therapy is a vibrational healing method to help reset our frequencies and enhance the Alpha and Theta brainwaves for optimal healing and relaxation. With modern living, we often get stuck in the fast Beta brainwave activity that can heighten overthinking, anxiety, and stress.
Gamma (30 - 100 Hz): Conscious state, fastest frequency, deep concentration, insight, high level information processing.
Beta (12 - 30 Hz): Conscious state, wakefulness, concentration, reasoning mind, critical and logical thinking, alertness, active, energy.
Alpha (7 - 12 Hz): Subconscious state, light meditation, calmness, daydreaming, imagination, memory, learning, intuition, creativity.
Theta (4 - 7 Hz): Subconscious state, deep meditation, relaxation, drowsiness, stage before sleep, lucid dreaming, mental imagery.
Delta (0.5 - 4 Hz): Unconscious state, slowest frequency, deepest level of relaxation and sleep, healing and restoring, dreaming.