Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How should I prepare for a virtual session?
What can I expect during an Acupuncture session?
What does acupuncture feel like?
Is acupuncture safe?
What can I expect during an Energy Healing session?
What can I expect during a Sound Therapy session?
What can I expect during a Hypnotherapy session?
How many sessions do I need to commit to?
Who is a good candidate for this type of healing work?
What types of clients and health concerns do you commonly see?
What is your cancellation policy?
What forms of payment do you accept?
Do you accept health insurance?
How should I prepare for a healing session?
Wear loose fitting clothes that are comfortable and unrestricted. Best to wear clothes that are easy to roll up above the elbows and knees. There will be sheets and blankets for draping and coverage if needed.
It is not recommended to receive a session with an empty stomach. Plan to eat within 2 to 3 hours of getting a session or eat a light snack just before coming in. It is common to feel hungry after a session, so be prepared with snacks or a meal afterwards.
Do not consume alcohol and avoid stimulates such as large amounts of caffeine the day of your session. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Please bring a bottle of water to have in your car for after your session.
Do not schedule social events, high-intensity activity, or exercise immediately after your session. It is recommended for you to be in a safe and calm environment after a session. This allows time for your body to reset and for the healing work to continue. Many clients report feeling tired immediately after a session.
How should I prepare for a virtual session?
Make sure that you have a private and quiet space for the session. Some clients prefer to have a trusted person in the house with them for emotional support. It is not required, but they may stay close by. However, I do recommend that you stay in a room by yourself with the door shut.
Sessions will be done over Zoom platform. Make sure you have access before the session and test for video and audio quality. If we have any technical difficulties during the session, log back into Zoom as soon as possible. If there are prolonged issues, ensure that you have my number saved in your phone before the session, so that you can call me quickly. I will also have your number on hand if I need to reach you.
Make sure your device (phone, tablet, computer) is fully charged and have the charger plugged in during the session. Turn off all other phone and device sounds that can distract during the session.
Make sure you are wearing warm and comfortable clothes and also have blankets, warming pack, and pillows ready. Have plenty of water and tissues nearby, so that you don’t have to get up during the session.
You can sit upright, lean back, or lay down during the session, but make sure to set up the camera so that I can see your face, chest, and upper stomach area. I'll be taking notes on your breathing and other visual cues.
What can I expect during an Acupuncture session?
The first session is 90 minutes. I will conduct a comprehensive medical interview and a physical examination that may include palpating the arms, legs, abdomen, back, neck, and head. I will also take your pulses and ask to look at your tongue for diagnostic purposes. You may remain fully clothed or dress down to your comfort level. I will provide sheets and blankets for draping if necessary.
After the assessment, I will select acupuncture points that will work to balance your specific condition and constitution. The number of acupuncture points will depend on the diagnosis and your health needs. It can vary anywhere from 2 to 20 points. I will swab the acupuncture points with alcohol before insertion. The acupuncture needles will be retained for a short period of time, typically 15 to 30 minutes.
At this time, I may add other modalities to help enhance the treatment such as sound therapy, energy healing, or guided meditation if necessary. I will let you rest on your own in the room for the remainder of the session before removing the acupuncture needles.
After the treatment, I will work with you to create a treatment plan that may include Qigong, meditation, and breathing exercises or an herbal prescription for continued treatment at home. The treatment plan is a guide for your health progress concerning your unique spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.
Return acupuncture visits will be 60 minutes and will include a follow-up interview and physical examination. The treatment will be similar with minor adjustments of acupuncture points and herbal prescription to assure they match your current symptoms. Your progress will be monitored and the treatment plan will be updated at each visit.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Acupuncture sensation is a unique experience for each person. Some people feel a quick pinch when the needle is inserted and others do not feel anything. After the needle is inserted, many people report feelings of heaviness, tingling, dull achiness, or warmth. You may feel relaxed and it is very common to fall asleep during treatments. Acupuncture is not painful. Keeping open communication with me is very important and together we will create a comfortable experience that will increase the effectiveness of your treatment.
Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is extremely safe in the hands of a trained and licensed professional. Each needle is individually packaged, sterile, and disposable after one-time use. Acupuncture is also safe and can be exceptionally helpful during pregnancy. It can help reduce morning sickness and digestive complaints, ease body aches and pain, and manage insomnia as well as assist the healing process of postpartum recovery.
What can I expect during an Energy Healing session?
All sessions are 90 minutes minimum, but average sessions range from 90 minutes to 2 hours. Energy Healing is a very unique experience for each person and what comes up for healing will need time to process and express without rushing. I recommend 2 hour sessions to allow for best results and give your body time to heal.
At the beginning of every session, I will ask you questions about your general health and areas of concern relating to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. I will work with you to create an intention for the session before we begin. We may also bring in spiritual guides for support throughout the session. For in-person sessions, I will have you lie on the massage table, either face up or face down. Most clients choose to keep their eyes closed for the entire session. You may remain fully clothed or dress down to your comfort level. I will provide sheets and blankets for draping if necessary.
I will use breathing techniques and hands-on contact over areas of your arms, legs, abdomen, back, neck, and head. You may feel subtle sensations of warmth, coolness, heaviness, or vibrations as I connect with your energy. Sometimes memories and thoughts come to the surface, which you’re welcome to share or keep to yourself. Most people feel sleepy, relaxed, or fall into a deep meditative state, but I will ask that you try to remain awake throughout the entire session.
Depending on what occurs during the session, I may ask you questions periodically, signal you to take a deep breath, or keep you engaged in the healing process to help decipher channeled messages for cord clearings or soul retrievals. However, in most sessions, clients can remain quiet and rest as I do the energy work. Every session looks a little bit different because we’re constantly changing and adapting, but I will continue to check in with you throughout the entire session. I will only take you as far as you’re ready to go and where you feel most comfortable. I may bring in sound therapy, hypnotherapy, or acupuncture to help enhance the treatment if necessary.
After the treatment, we will discuss and review the session and explore the findings that may help to illuminate healing patterns. We will also implement self-care exercises that you may continue at home. Many clients report deep relaxation after these sessions and some make space for a nap or sleep to reset.
What can I expect during a Sound Therapy session?
Sound therapy is often added to other modalities to help enhance the treatment. I will often apply this technique before acupuncture, energy healing, or hypnotherapy. However, it can be a stand-alone treatment that is 60 minutes.
Before we begin, I will ask you questions about your general health and areas of concern relating to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. I will choose the appropriate tuning fork protocol that fits your health needs. I will have you lie on the massage table face up with your eyes closed. You may remain fully clothed or dress down to your comfort level. I will provide sheets and blankets for draping if necessary.
I will stand behind you applying different pairs of tuning forks beside each ear. I will test a few pairs to ensure you can hear without discomfort. At this point, I will begin the session with the actual application of tuning forks that can be just a few pairs or up to 60 different pairs. You will hear a range of different tones and also experience vibratory sensations in your body. As I move the tuning forks in and away from your ears, it will create an alternating rhythm between the different tones and moments of silence.
Most people will feel sleepy, relaxed, or fall into a deep meditative state. Many fall asleep which is perfectly fine because you will still receive the health benefits. At this time, I may add energy healing to help enhance the session if necessary. I will use breathing techniques and hands-on contact over areas of your arms, legs, abdomen, neck, or head. Afterwards, I will let you rest on your own in the room for the remainder of the session, typically 15 to 30 minutes.
After the treatment, we will reconnect and review the session and any areas of concern. For the most part, clients report deep relaxation and rested sleep after these sessions.
What can I expect during a Hypnotherapy session?
All sessions are 90 minutes minimum, but average sessions range from 90 minutes to 2 hours. Hypnotherapy is a very unique experience for each person and what comes up for healing will need time to process and express without rushing. I recommend 2 hour sessions to allow for best results and give your body time to heal.
At the beginning of every session, I will ask you about any health concerns, emotional disturbances, or patterns that you want to work on. I will work with you to create an intention for the session before we begin. For in-person sessions, I will have you lie on the massage table face up. You may remain fully clothed or dress down to your comfort level. I will provide sheets and blankets for draping if necessary.
You will have your eyes open for a few minutes as I guide you through a meditation that will put you into a trance state or hypnosis. You will have complete awareness the entire session, but you may feel more tired, relaxed, or in deep meditative state that similar to daydreaming. You may close your eyes for the remainder of the session as we continue through the deeper stages of hypnosis. I will work with you to set up a safe place and bring in spiritual guides to support you through the entire session. We will always have a safe retreat if the session becomes too intense. I will only take you as far as you feel ready to go. I will continue to check in with you throughout the entire session.
At this point, I will guide you through at least two age regressions where we will revisit memories that connect with the source of your health concern or pattern. I will gently tap on your forehead between your eyebrows for a few seconds to help activate the regression. This can be an emotional experience, but also a safe environment for you to express and extinguish unwanted emotions or trauma responses. The goal is to restore personal empowerment by bringing light to toxic cycles and behaviors, so they no longer hold you back. It is common that we will work closely with your inner child self. We may use props such as teddy bears, pillows, and a hitting stick to help release stress, emotions, and trauma responses. You may sit up or stand to execute this. Hypnotherapy will allow you to have a clearer perspective of your past, reset your nervous system, and rewrite a new script for your life.
Sometimes age regressions may take us back into the womb, past lives, in-between lives, or even future life progressions. This is an opportunity to release and heal what is no longer serving you. I often bring in energy healing to do soul retrievals and cord clearings to help with the releasing and healing process. At the end of the session, we will review old conclusions, create new affirmations, and rewrite spiritual contracts if needed. I will gently bring you out of hypnosis and give you time to readjust. We will discuss and review the session together.
How many sessions do I need to commit to?
I will always be on your side to help to build a treatment plan that works for you. I can only take you as far as you are willing to go and that varies greatly for each person. Some people come to see me for a few sessions for support during a temporarily difficult time. Others benefit from long term support and we build a working relationship where we touch base a few times throughout the year. Others will come more regularly and this type of healing work becomes their self-care routine to help them deal with daily life challenges. For others, it may be for a season and they receive all the help they need. It really depends on your health goals and what kind of support you need.
The recommended number of healing sessions will depend on each person’s presentation and health concern. Consistent treatments allow time for the nervous system to reset and give you a better chance at sustaining the health benefits. I recommend that the initial 4 visits are closer together, particularly for acupuncture. After we have a baseline, visits can be spread out further apart. Treatment plans will differ for everyone.
For acupuncture, generally chronic conditions will require more treatments initially for better results. It is recommended to have 6 to 8 initial treatments. For acute conditions, these typically resolve faster and require 1 to 4 initial treatments. It is advised to commit to 4 to 6 weekly treatments to address your immediate health concerns and reboot your system and immunity.
It is common that once we start a series of treatments, your symptoms will change and the treatment plan must be modified to address your current health standing. Your treatment progress will be re-evaluated at each visit during your treatment planning and the number of treatments will be accommodated to fit your needs. Most patients will eventually move their treatments out to once every 4 to 6 weeks for maintenance.
Who is a good candidate for this type of healing work?
Showing up and receiving care is only half of the picture. A good candidate has the willingness to be vulnerable while keeping an open-mind for change. Your dedication to the healing process will help tremendously. Your involvement in implementing self-care tools at home and in your daily life will also help to enhance the healing work. Healing is not easy and it is a life-long commitment.
Healing work is similar to peeling back the layers of an onion. It is important to have the awareness and understanding that each layer of healing is different in intensity and quality. The healing process often comes in waves of highs and lows in terms of emotional responses, release, and acceptance. It is important to understand that healing is not linear and the accumulation of healing work is what matters most.
Building consistency, trust, and rapport can help manage the ups and downs of healing work. You are your own greatest healer and teacher. I am simply reminding you of this. The goal is to help you find wholeness and balance and teach you how to maintain healthy coping mechanisms with self-care tools. If you feel you are ready for this kind of work, then I encourage you to reach out and we can create a treatment plan together.
What types of clients and health concerns do you commonly see?
We’re living in unprecedented times and stress levels are at an all-time high. Not only are we dealing with outside forces that are greatly affecting our daily lives, but we’re also dealing with internal imbalances and chronic depletion. I often see clients that are experiencing major life changes leading to breakdowns, burnout syndrome, or they are completely numbed out from the chaos around them.
The pressure to perform at a high capacity without rest or balance is becoming the social norm. We were not made for this kind of constant pressure and it often expresses itself through physical symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, digestive issues, and body pain. The imbalance can also bleed into our relationships and affect our emotional and mental health with anxiety, depression, and mood swings.
Of course, clients don’t have to experience major life changes in order to seek help. I also see many clients that are simply overwhelmed with daily life and juggling multiple jobs and obligations. We all need to create healthy self-care routines and pause from our daily lives to reconnect with ourselves.
I treat everyone from all walks of life and all backgrounds. There is no discrimination when it comes to healing work. We’re all meant to be here to learn from our unique life journey and with it come our individual stories and struggles. I will not tolerate any discrimination against race, gender, religious and cultural backgrounds, or sexual orientation. This is a safe zone and positive space for LGBTQ+ community, all gender identities, and all gender expressions.
What is your cancellation policy?
Your appointment time is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed session leaves a hole in my schedule that could have been filled by another client. As such, I require 24 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. Clients who provide less than 24 hours notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged a cancellation fee of $100.
If there is an exposure to or onset of COVID-19 and cold/flu symptoms right before your appointment, it is your responsibility to reach out to me by phone to cancel your appointment. The cancellation fee will be waived in these cases.
What forms of payment do you accept?
I accept cash, checks, credit cards, Paypal, Venmo, and Zelle. Also Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account with credit card ability. Payment is due at time of service.
Do you accept health insurance?
I have chosen not to work with insurance companies due to interference with treatment plans, strict regulations, low reimbursement rates, and overwhelming administrative requirements. All these factors make it very difficult for small businesses to thrive. Your quality of healing is my first priority and I feel I can do a better job focusing on your health needs instead of fulfilling insurance requests.
I am happy to provide a reimbursement receipt (for acupuncture only), so that you can submit claims directly to your insurance company and receive reimbursement. Please check your insurance plan to ensure you have acupuncture and out-of-network coverage. Reimbursement amounts will depend on your individual plan. Please request reimbursement receipts before your appointment. I will not engage directly with insurance companies.
Most health insurance companies will not cover the costs for hypnotherapy, energy healing, or sound therapy. I am not a licensed psychotherapist and I cannot provide mental health diagnosis insurance codes for hypnotherapy. However, most insurance health savings accounts and flexible spending credit cards can be used.