Summer Begins - The Heart Emperor’s Fire
According to the Lunisolar calendar, summer energy begins today for the Northern Hemisphere. We’re at the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice! From this day until we reach the Summer Solstice, we will experience the expansive energy in the elements around us and also within us. All that has been confined and camouflaged in the previous seasons will now reach the surface and take center stage. The moving currents of the spring winds have generated enough upward force to create the summer heat that we need for the Summer Solstice.
Winter Solstice – The Essence of Sacred Bones
Happy Winter Solstice for those in the Northern Hemisphere! On the shortest day and longest night of the year, we are embodied by the darkness to remind us of our mother’s womb. This is a nourishing and sacred time for many communities all around the world. A time for rituals to gather, celebrate, renew, and honor our spiritual and ancestral connections. Many believe the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds are very thin at this time and it allows us to move between realms and elevate our consciousness.
Seasonal Shift - Descending into Winter
Today has an intense energy and it’s not surprising that the U.S. election outcome was announced this day as well. Today marks the halfway point between the Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere. Even though Winter Solstice is more than a month away, today is actually considered the beginning of winter according to the Lunisolar calendar. This calendar is used by agricultural societies to monitor the changes in seasons and weather patterns for optimal farming production. It is also used as a guiding timeline for healthy lifestyle choices and seasonal living.