Healing Sessions

Integrative Holistic Healing with Acupuncture & Eastern Medicine, Intuitive Life Coaching, Energy Healing, Sound Therapy, and Hypnotherapy.

Yin Spirit Medicine focuses on Integrative Holistic Healing using therapeutic methods of Acupuncture & Eastern Medicine, Energy Healing, Sound Therapy, Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, and Intuitive Life Coaching. The blending of different healing modalities and techniques help to support the whole body and balance the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical needs for each person’s unique healing journey.

Healing Sessions are a different experience every time because we’re elemental and dynamic beings. We’re always changing and growing. I will meet you where you are in your healing process. Each session is customized to address your current energy and health concerns. You may choose one healing modality to focus your treatment on, but I will always bring in other modalities if needed. In every session, I will provide intuitive life coaching to work with you to create the best treatment plan that supports your lifestyle and goals. Sessions can range from 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 2 hours, or open-ended, but will not extend beyond 3 hours.

Intuitive Life Coaching uses Energy Healing (channeled messages, ancestral healing, chakra balancing, cord clearings, soul retrieval), Eastern Medicine (acupuncture, five elements theory, Chinese herbal therapy, qigong and meditation, seasonal life c

Healing is revealing codependency, dissociation, victim triangle, generational trauma, toxic relationships, addictions, eating disorder, and unhealthy patterns & behaviors. Supporting change is treat trauma & shock, identify source pattern, …

Healing Takes Time so we must create the healing space for it. With daily life stresses, our bodies fall out of balance and into a state of survival. We’re made up of all our past experiences. To undo the imbalances, we must peel back the layers to find the root problem. Consistent treatments allow time for the nervous system to reset and give you a better chance at sustaining the health benefits. I recommend that the initial 4 visits are closer together, particularly for acupuncture. After we have a baseline, visits can be spread out further apart. Treatment plans will differ for everyone.

Healing Goals

  1. Uncover your root problems

  2. Bring light to your shadow parts

  3. Break from toxic patterns & behaviors

  4. Release & extinguish low vibrating emotions

  5. Create a Mind + Body + Spirit connection

  6. Restore personal truth, power & freedom

  7. Integrate all parts of your healing

  8. Implement affirmations & self-care tools

  9. Live the authentic life you deserve