Fall Equinox - Arrival of Yin

Photo by Yash Raut

Photo by Yash Raut


Happy Fall Equinox for those in the Northern Hemisphere! We have been transitioning the last few weeks to get to this point with the Earth element energy that is grounding, stable and centering. You may have noticed yourself feeling more tired and exhausted the last few days. This is your body’s way of slowing down the pace. We have finally arrived at the two Yin seasons for the year. Fall and Winter represent the Metal and Water elements, which means quieting and healing the deepest parts of ourselves, down to the bones. They represent the feminine and introverted energy of the year. We must transition and follow the energy of the season and go inward with the elements to avoid illness and imbalance.

The first half of the year are the Yang months, which represent the masculine and expansive energy with Spring and Summer. The Yang seasons allow us to work hard and play hard because there is more sunlight and abundant Qi around us. We can borrow energy from the rising elements of Wood and Fire. In the Yin months, the elements become harsher and there is less sunlight to borrow energy from. We have to utilize our own internal energy, conserve it and cultivate more Qi through rest and nourishment. Fall and Winter is the time to hibernate and replenish from the past two seasons, so that we can have enough energy for the next Spring when it arrives. We are not meant to work hard all year round.

I often see many people start to develop burnout syndrome between September and October every year. Depleting all their vital resources by working just as hard as they did in the Summer months and all through the Winter. By the next Spring, they cannot muster up enough energy to transition and expand with the season and fall out of balance. This can be a dangerous cycle of burnout and yearly illness at the time of seasonal transitions. This is a very significant year for rest and hibernation as we have all undergone an intense global shock and trauma with this pandemic. We cannot keep going at this rate of intensity without health consequences.

The Fall season also connects with the Lung and Large Intestine Meridians. It is extremely important that we protect our lungs and adjust our diets to ease the pressure off our digestive system to reduce inflammation. These meridians are also the holding spaces for the emotions of grief and sadness. It is now time to let go, reflect, go inward and reset. Call on your introverted and feminine side for healing.  

Things to do this season:

  • Breathwork, meditation, Qigong, Yoga

  • Increase self-care and slow down

  • Water therapies like baths and foot soaks

  • Warming heat pads on abdomen and low back

  • Sleep earlier and get consistent rest every night

  • Reduce sugar intake and avoid cold foods/drinks

  • Journal, vision boards, goal planning, reflect on the year

  • Reconnect with yourself in nourishing ways

  • Laugh and release stress

  • Listen to feel good music

  • Do activities that bring light and joy to your heart


Seasonal Shift - Descending into Winter