Spring Season Rises – Yang Energy Returns

Photo by Yash Raut

Photo by Yash Raut


According to the Lunisolar calendar, the spring season transition starts today! We are at the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere. The yang energy has entered back into the fold to help us transition into the spring and summer seasons. Moreover, we are shifting from the last six months of introverted and feminine energy and into the next six months of more extroverted and masculine energy. The yang energy has awakened the elements and it is rising to the surface to shake us out of hibernation. The soil has softened and the first seeds have broken for new growth. We will continue to experience this expansive force as we draw closer to the Spring Equinox, which is only six weeks away.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring season is associated with the Wood Element and the Liver and Gallbladder Meridians. The Wood Element has an upward and outward moving energy just like growing trees; it represents growth, expansion, breakthrough, order, purpose, and motivation. It has a completely different quality compared to the deep, heavy, and slow paced mood of the Water Element in winter. The resting period of the year is over and now it is time to get back to work and rebuild. Many of you may feel sparks of motivation with this renewed energy and returning sunlight. It is a good time to purge, clean, and reorganize to help prepare for more movement and activity in the coming months.

Additionally, the Liver and Gallbladder Meridians house the emotion of anger. Anger is not a negative emotion when it is controlled in the right doses for the right timing, but it needs to be expressed. It is our body’s way of communicating and motivating us to move out of stagnation, release tension, and create change. When anger is not expressed and change does not happen, then an overabundant amount of anger is accumulated and it becomes toxic to us. This can be applied to stagnation in lifestyle, relationships, work, home life, diet, exercise, and much more. Remember the Wood Element needs movement. We can feel more tightened and constrained the longer the stagnation remains. I often witness increased road rage and arguments at this time of year. The anger begins to boil over because it cannot be contained for long periods of time without consequences.

Under the extreme circumstances of this pandemic, many are even more constrained than usual and are unable to release the stress and tension that has been building up for almost a year now. If you’ve been feeling angry or irritable recently, you may be experiencing the yang energy rising. It very important to ground and meditate as the spring season transitions because the expansive yang energy can feel overwhelming. For those who have not rested this winter, you may feel the yang energy more intensely. Find healthy ways to release tension with movement such as walking, exercise, sports, creating art, singing, and talk therapy. If you feel extremely stuck and find it very difficult to get motivated, take baby steps to push pass this feeling and find small ways to propel forward. It can be as little as adding a small task each day like walking to the mailbox and back. It can help push the wheels forward. The movement will grow because spring season emphasizes on flow, whereas winter season focuses on stillness. Be kind to yourself during this time.

The Liver and Gallbladder Meridians also control the joints and sinews. It is time for action to mobilize our physical body and detox the liver and gallbladder organs. Increase exercise and start transitioning your diet from heavy foods like fatty soups and root vegetables to lighter meals that include fresh leafy greens. As we activate the physical body, also bring attention and balance to your mental and emotional body. As the yang energy rises, it may cause buried emotions and chronic illnesses to resurface. Release grudges, resentments, and pent up emotions that make you feel trapped. Holding onto these unexpressed emotions will create more stagnation because it goes against the season. Also, do not underestimate the powerful healing effect of crying to release trapped emotional tension. Personal acceptance and compassion is important for healing work. Be mindful of health conditions such as old joint injuries, irritability, high blood pressure, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, and anxiety.

This is one of the hardest season transitions of the year to come out of deep hibernation and you may not feel ready yet, so please be gentle with yourself. Spring season is a powerful time to manifest and create new goals because the yang momentum is here and it will help bring forth our ideas into reality. It offers us the opportunity for rebirth and new beginnings. Clear out old energies and leave behind anything that does not serve your highest learning and growth. There’s no need to try to control everything, just trust the process to catapult you forward. All your deep healing work this past winter will now come to fruition. Congratulate yourself for being present today! I wish you renewed energy, abundance, and prosperity this spring season.


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