Spring Season Rises – Yang Energy Returns
According to the Lunisolar calendar, the spring season transition starts today! We are at the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere. The yang energy has entered back into the fold to help us transition into the spring and summer seasons. Moreover, we are shifting from the last six months of introverted and feminine energy and into the next six months of more extroverted and masculine energy. The yang energy has awakened the elements and it is rising to the surface to shake us out of hibernation.
Winter Solstice – The Essence of Sacred Bones
Happy Winter Solstice for those in the Northern Hemisphere! On the shortest day and longest night of the year, we are embodied by the darkness to remind us of our mother’s womb. This is a nourishing and sacred time for many communities all around the world. A time for rituals to gather, celebrate, renew, and honor our spiritual and ancestral connections. Many believe the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds are very thin at this time and it allows us to move between realms and elevate our consciousness.